We offer ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education), CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Examination) curricula. Our learner-centric pedagogy approaches each child as a separate entity, as opposed to the conventional class-oriented approach.
Our teachers guide students along every step, encouraging them to experiment and come upon their own strengths and weaknesses themselves. Students are put in an environment that catalyses their academic, physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual growth. In keeping with our inclination towards quality and not quantity, a consistent ratio of ten students to one teacher is maintained, allowing adequate time and attention for each child to actualise the full capacity of his/her potential. We push ourselves constantly to devise unconventional methods that are both interactive and spread over a wide spectrum of topics; our objective is to develop a sense of context and objectivity in our children to equip them for larger challenges. Furthermore, a ‘Life Skills’ Unit is included in every academic year, keeping the children persistently acquainted with a just, objective vision of society.
- Map and initiate progress both personally and academically
- Create benchmarks for achievements that act as motivational tools
- Diagnose and work with learning disabilities
- Facilitate instruction and ease curriculum decisions
- Assist students with their own progress
- Provide guidance for parents
Culminating Activities form an integral part of the Pratuksha Foundation learning process. These activities are a part of the regular curriculum plan. Culminating activity includes a well-thought and organised conceptual network of skills, which essentially is an exhibition of students’ understanding of the topic. ‘Understanding’ here is defined as the ability to use knowledge in novel situations. We believe macroscopic is better than microscopic, and we encourage and motivate our students to use knowledge as a reflective tool for making judgements rather than just assimilating isolated facts about various topics.
In the concluding part of teaching units, a Culminating Activity is held for both the primary and secondary sections. The Culminating Activity covers topics related to languages, science and social science. To make this process easy, teaching aids and worksheets related to the unit are displayed in the classroom. Further, as a gesture of encouragement we exhibit students’ art work, class activities and project work on all subjects pertaining to the unit during the activity. The objective of this activity is to showcase students’ work and consolidate their learning. In this process, we also involve parents, who are invited to view the work done by their children and are encouraged to be proactive in these events.
Our school appreciates and welcomes individuality. In order to allow a child to flourish within his own sphere of perception and possibly polish that approach, we work in a small class set-up, accommodating for sufficient attention for each child.
- 1:10*
Our motive is to allow students direct access to achievements by constantly providing opportunity. Our teachers, thus, ensure that they understand every student individually. Academic research confirms that students who receive integral education, more often than not follow a balanced growth curve.
We have interventions, teaching strategies and support systems to meet the specific learning styles of an individual child. Small classes enable our teachers to implement a curriculum that is rich with activities, allowing physical experience to be the foundation of their learning. Further, this allows space for more meaningful peer interaction and ensures participation, which is generally a challenge in large capacity classrooms. To be prompt is to be approachable to a child; which is why personalised and immediate feedback is a habit in classes across the grades. It also enables the teacher to detect emotional blocks/problems, if any, and resolve them at the earliest.
* Denotes Average Ratio
At Pratuksha Foundation, we believe a student grows as much as his teacher. We, therefore, ensure that our teachers constantly evolve, keep abreast with the changes in the education system. At regular intervals, we conduct the following training for our teachers across all the schools:
ICSE Council Training:
- Secondary section teachers participate in this training every year for various subjects, conducted at the regional office of the ICSE Council in Kolkata.
CIE Training
- Face to Face training, which is held in different cities of India where there is a sizeable concentration of CIE schools.
- Online training.
Counsellors & Special Educators
- We have Special Education/skills training for our teachers. This training is hosted by different agencies around the year.
- The Association of ICSE Schools Maharashtra region calls for cell meetings, which are hosted by various schools affiliated to the ICSE council. Here, senior teachers who are experts in different subjects (secondary section) give training/orientation; especially for Grade X.
Publishers Training
- Here, teachers interact with various publishers whose books are used by the ICSE schools in the secondary section. This helps them gain a better perspective on the syllabus.
MISA Training
- Mumbai International Schools Association conducts this training for all the CIE schools teachers/coordinators and examination officers. The aim is to be constantly updated with global standards.
Base Training (ONLY Science Training)
- This is conducted for various science subjects in the secondary section. Teachers from both the National & International Boards attend this training. This training is conducted by Bombay Association for Science and Education.

Sushil Jain
Teachers are excellent, coordinator presence is well felt. Topics are covered when missed, a right blend of coaching, well-mannered staff and very great teacher. Thanks to complete teaching and working staff for taking good care of our/your kids.

Eswar Kondeti & Swarnalatha Kondeti
I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers of the school on the occasion of teacher day My both the sons, Rakshan 4B and DevAnish Nursery comes to MEERABO BTM school. I cannot comple... tely express my thanks to entire MEERABO BTM. Especially regarding Rakshan education, I might have not got better school than MEERABO BTMI should count extending my thanks to all his class teachers from UKG to Grade 4, PLC staff, coordinator and all other who helped himYour right time correct feedbacks help us a lot to groomed Rakshan Today Rakshan is doing almost good in his education, I can say this is only possible due to MEERABO Thanks for giving our LITTLE ones a BIG dreams With BIG Thanks